Dear Client,
Thank you for choosing "Color N Drive" touch up paint DIY KIT. Our simple 5-step process allows anyone professionally apply the KIT to avoid high repair costs from typical body shops. So the value of your vehicle is increased. We strongly recommend you to go through the following application steps to obtain the best performance. Please note that our paint is not the typical touch-up paint you can source at the local dealerships or auto part shops. It is a special blend of selected paints and organic chemicals to ensure quick drying, easy removing of excess paint for the perfect results on damaged surfaces. Our technology is unique to bring eco-friendly detailing solutions for perfect factory match and superior quality. We formulate our colors and chemicals in the latest technology mixing process to guarantee color accuracy and original factory quality.
Unless your vehicle is very new, there is a small possibility that the color probably won’t match exactly as the paint on new models does not fade as quickly or badly as old paints did. Do not hesitate to apply the paint on the application surface until you have the desired tone and tint. Our patented chemical solution(CorrectNClear) ensures complete removal of the touch up at any time during the application safely. CorrectNClear solution is your insurance for application mistakes.
In Order to assist you faster please address all product and related questions to [email protected]
With Our Best Regards,
Color N Drive Support Team
Email: [email protected]
Ensure that application surface to be repaired has been cleaned entirely by our patented cleaning solution (CorrectNClear Solution) Make sure all all dirt, wax and polish are removed and surface is ready for the touch up paint.
Apply the custom made paint by microbrush on the application area by thin layers, if necessary smear the paint flat across the chipped area with your finger or thumb whilst wearing the protective glove. Make sure the paint is smeared out flat. Than leave it for minutes drying. Drying time of the paint anywhere between 40 seconds up to 5 minutes depending on the temperature and applied paint quantity.
When the paint is dry, apply gentle amount of CorrectNClear solution to the towel in the KIT. Make a light pressure and run the towel across the surface to remove excess paint from the surface. Do not push the surface by towel so hard, let the blending solution do the work. Repeat the step 3 until all the excess paint is removed from around the chip/scratch. Then leave it for dry for few minutes again.
Natural and smooth Paste does not contain abrasives and additives. It is a fresh treatment for perfect color transition. Apply the paste on towel and rub the surface gently to mature touch up paint on the application surface.
Apply small quantity of finishing Wax to the microfiber cloth and smoothly rub over the entire application area. It is recommended that you wax the whole panel for the best visual results.
* Waxing and polishing steps are cosmetic finishing’s, not a must requirement for touch up applications. You can use them at your convenience parts of your car.
* Average star ratings based on listed sources. Updated 01/05/2021
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